Refund Policy

LLA Professional Training Institute reserves the right to change, suspend access to, or remove any or all of the content on the Website at any time, for any reason, in its sole discretion. LLA Professional Training Institute also reserves the right to discontinue the Website at any time, either temporarily or permanently. In the event of the removal of any content from the Website or the termination of the Website, you will not be entitled to any refund or payment.

Your password is unique and exclusive to you, and you may not transfer your password to any other person or allow any other person to use your password to access or use content on the Website. You agree to notify LLA Professional Training Institute immediately if any other person makes unauthorized use of your password. LLA Professional Training Institute reserves the right to suspend or revoke your password in the event of any misuse of your password or any use of your password in violation of these Terms and Conditions. In the event of any such suspension or revocation, you will not be entitled to any refund or payment.

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